red-cherry-1130460_640Cherries – sweet or sour, deep red, shiny red or yellow and red – no matter which variety, they pack a lot of nutrition and deliciousness into a tiny package. Whether or not you are convinced of the many suggested health benefits from eating cherries or drinking cherry juice, it would be hard to find a better-tasting way of getting a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

Miller Orchards has pick-your-own sweet and sour cherries as well as already-picked sweet cherries in season. Be sure to sign up to receive an email notification of when our cherries will be ready for picking and purchasing.

*Update* (July, 2023)

Our 2023 cherry season has concluded.  Thank you to everyone and we look forward to next season! 

Please call 1-440-988-8405 for further information and availability.  Hope to you all soon!

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, as well as cash and check.